The most important quality certificate for Rotinger brand are excellent reviews of its customers. However, Union Parts Sp. z o.o., the owner of Rotinger brand, may pride itself on a set of formal certificates which make it possible for it to be present and develop on international markets.
At the beginning of August, Union Parts Sp. z o.o. obtained ISO 9001:2015 certificate. Let us remind that Rotinger has other certificates as well. These are TUV and EAC certificates. Also presence of Rotinger brand in TecDoc and Laximo catalogues proves its strong position on the market.

What are the certificates?
ISO 9001:2015 certificate confirms observance of specific procedures which affect market development of the company and product quality. Possession of this certificate is a kind of recommendation for new business partners, e.g. distributors, and sometimes a necessary condition for performance of contracts or participation in tenders. Positive result of the conducted audits is one of the prerequisites for obtaining of ISO 9001:2015 certificate.
- TUV certificate issued by a reputed certification centre, TUV Rheinland, guarantees that the product and its manufacturing process are examined and supervised by an independent certification body.
- EAC certificate is a certificate of conformity of Rotinger products with the standards that are currently applicable on the Russian market, issued by the competent certification body of the Russian Federation.
TecDoc Data Supplier. Presence of Rotinger brand in TecDoc (status TecDoc Data Supplier) catalogue allows for fast and accurate acquaintance with the technical specification and application of the individual products as well as with available novelties in the offer. It should be emphasised that the majority of the leading distributors of parts do not sign commercial contracts with the companies that are not included in the TecDoc catalogue at all.
Laximo AfterMarket is an online database containing information on car parts both on the primary and on the secondary market. It constitutes an abundant online source of information for professionals dealing with trading in car parts as it not only allows the users for obtaining of the information on the components but also for assessment of its credibility. At present, Laximo includes over 35 million of car parts, 90 million of substitutes and over 30 thousand of technical illustrations. The website is available solely in Russian.
Bartłomiej Kolbusz, President of the Management Board:
‘ISO 9001:2015 is the next document that confirms high quality standards of Rotinger brand. We are convinced that it will help us expand the sale markets and acquire new customers which have not had a chance to try our products out yet.’