Is it possible to visually assess the technical condition of brake discs?

Is it possible to visually assess the technical condition of brake discs?

Is it possible to visually assess the technical condition of brake discs?

The technical condition of brake discs has a direct impact on safety. Is it possible to visually assess the condition of our brakes? We advise you!

In the article:
Prevention comes first
The color of the brake disc says a lot
Cracks and deformations
Edges and grooves on the brake disc
Rusty coating on the brake disc
Efficient Rotinger brake discs

Vision is one of the most important elements of our everyday life. Therefore, the question arises whether it is possible to correctly assess the technical condition of brake discs from a visual level?

Is it possible to visually assess the technical condition of brake discs?
Is it possible to visually assess the technical condition of brake discs?

Prevention comes first

It is known that prevention is better than eliminating the effects of neglect. Therefore, prevention in the case of the brake system is advisable. Depending on the type of tires on our vehicle, we unscrew the wheels at least once a year. Whether it is to change from summer to winter tires or to change tires after driving a certain distance.

In each of these cases, we have a very good opportunity to visually assess the technical condition of the brake discs. In most cases, the car is on a lift, which makes access to a specific disc easier. Sometimes, tire repairmen themselves, while working with tires, draw attention to shortcomings in the brake system.

The color of the brake disc says a lot

Visually, the technical condition of the brake disc can be assessed by its color. If everything is OK, the disc should have a steel, neutral shade. Everything changes when the temperature of this element increases. Then the metal begins to change its color to light orange. This effect can be seen during braking in performance cars, where the brake system reaches very high temperatures.

In the case of a road brake disc, generating such a large amount of heat will lead to its damage. After cooling, purple or violet shades will appear on it. It is very possible that fragments of the brake pad will also glaze. If a visual inspection of the brake disc has detected such changes in its structure, immediate replacement is necessary.

Cracks and deformations

In addition to the change in the color of the brake disc, cracks and deformations may appear on its surface. They occur when the metal cools down rapidly. This most often happens during sudden braking and simultaneous entry into low-temperature water. Most road brake discs deform as a result of such hardening. Cracks also occur.

If visual diagnostics show that we have such damage to the brake disc, we must replace it immediately. Then the braking efficiency is very low, which has a direct impact on the level of safety.

Edges and grooves on the brake disc

Edges are also a visual element of the brake disc. They can also be felt with a finger, but in an extremely worn component, we can see them with the naked eye. Why does a rim appear on the brake disc?

In short, this happens because the brake disc wears out mainly in its central part. The outer edge remains at a similar thickness level. This is how the rim is formed, which is visible when the element is heavily used.

Another type of damage is visible grooves on the brake disc. They appear for several reasons. Firstly, if something hard gets between the brake disc and the pad. Most often, these are pebbles from a dirt road or larger amounts of sand. Then they can grind the surface of the disc and create grooves.

From the point of view of braking efficiency, any change in the surface responsible for deceleration works to its detriment. However, in the case of individual grooves, there is no mandatory need to change the brake disc.

Rust coating on the brake disc

A rust coating on the brake disc is an eye-catching feature. It appears in a humid environment, where even a few hours after leaving the car wash are enough for such a coating to appear.

Most often, we can see an oxidizing brake disc after heavy rainfall, when the car is parked. If the rust is only superficial, it is enough to gently start and brake a few times to wipe off the rust coating.

It is much more difficult to visually assess the technical condition of the brake discs when the car is at a car dealership. Then the layer of corrosion can be thick and removing it takes time. Sometimes it is even impossible and it is necessary to replace the discs and pads before the test drive.

Efficient Rotinger brake discs

Rotinger offers a wide range of brake discs, covering 95% of the European market with over 1,400 references. These discs are made with exceptional precision, with minimal tolerances, which ensures their proper balance and significantly affects the comfort of use. They are characterized by low susceptibility to corrosion and high quality, confirmed by certificates.

ROTINGER brake discs – manufactured according to strictly defined, strict standards. Check the offer!

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