
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Objectives

The Privacy Policy determines the principles for processing and protection of the personal data of the Users using the service functioning on the website: www.rotinger.com, hereinafter referred to as ‘Service’, including its sub-sites. The Service is administered by Union Parts spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with registered office at the address: 39-203 Nagoszyn, Bobrowa 108U, the register files of which are kept in the District Court in Rzeszów, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, entered in the National Court Register under No. 242003, with share capital in the amount of PLN 1,508,000.00, having Tax Identification Number (NIP) 872-225-51-79 and Statistical Number (REGON) 180069265, hereinafter referred to as ‘Controller’. The Privacy Policy determines the principles for collection and use of the data on the Service Users, including the customers purchasing the Goods via the Online Shop: www.rotinger.com.

The Controller shall make all efforts in order to provide the Service Users with privacy protection compliant with the requirements of the Act on Electronic Supply of Services of 18 July 2002 and of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as: ‘GDPR’).

Personal Data Protection Policy

The Controller of the personal data of the Service Users is Union Parts spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with registered office at the address: 39-203 Nagoszyn, Bobrowa 108U, the register files of which are kept in the District Court in Rzeszów, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, entered in the National Court Register under No. 242003, with share capital in the amount of PLN 1,508,000.00, having Tax Identification Number (NIP) 872-225-51-79 and Statistical Number (REGON) 180069265.

It is possible to contact the Controller in relation to the issues connected with the personal data processing in writing to the registered office address of the Controller, electronically to the e-mail address: b2c@rotinger.pl or via the telephone at 14 69 96 111.

During the use of the Service, the information relating to the use of the Service by the Users as well as their IP addresses shall be collected on the basis of the analysis of the access logs, e.g. browser type, operating system type, date and time of the visit, number of connections, number of opened sub-sites of the Service, viewed contents.

The use of some of the functionalities of the Service, in particular of the Online Shop for the purposes of purchasing of the Goods, shall be connected with provision of the personal data by the User. The personal data collected by the Controller shall include: names and surname, address of permanent residence, correspondence address if different than the address of permanent residence, electronic address (e-mail address), telephone number, Tax Identification Number (NIP), Personal Identification Number (PESEL) or – if not assigned – passport number, ID card number or another identity document number.

Due to the fact that the processing is necessary for electronic supply of services, the Controller shall collect also the following operational data characterising the manner of use of the Service by the user: identifiers of the User assigned on the basis of their personal data (names and surname, address of permanent residence, correspondence address if different than the address of permanent residence, electronic address), identifiers of the end of the telecommunication system or of the ICT system used by the User, information on commencement, completion and scope of every use of the electronically supplied service, information on the use of the electronically supplied service by the User.

The personal data of the User shall be processed on the basis of art. 6 section 1 point a) of the GDPR, i.e. on the basis of the granted consent to personal data processing – for the purposes of commercial information presentation – in the scope of the following personal data: names and surname, address of permanent residence, correspondence address if different than the address of permanent residence, electronic address (e-mail address), telephone number.

The personal data of the User shall be processed also on the basis of art. 6 section 1 point b) of the GDPR, i.e. due to the fact that the processing is necessary for the performance of an agreement to which the User is party or in order to take steps at the request of the User prior to entering into an agreement – in the scope of the following personal data: names and surname, address of permanent residence, correspondence address if different than the address of permanent residence, electronic address (e-mail address), telephone number, Tax Identification Number (NIP), Personal Identification Number (PESEL) or – if not assigned – passport number, ID card number or another identity document number.

Moreover, the personal data of the User shall be processed also on the basis of art. 6 section 1 point b) of the GDPR, i.e. due to the fact that the processing is necessary for electronic supply of services by the Controller, consisting in provision of the User with the possibility to use the Service via the Internet – in the scope of the following operational data characterising the manner of use of the Service by the user: identifiers of the User assigned on the basis of their personal data (names and surname, address of permanent residence, correspondence address if different than the address of permanent residence, electronic address), identifiers of the end of the telecommunication system or of the ICT system used by the User, information on commencement, completion and scope of every use of the electronically supplied service, information on the use of the electronically supplied service by the User.

Finally, the personal data of the User shall be processed also on the basis of art. 6 section 1 point f) of the GDPR, i.e. due to the fact that the processing is necessary for the purposes resulting from the legitimate interests pursued by the controller, consisting in direct marketing connected with offering of the goods and services as well as presentation of commercial information – in the scope of the following personal data: names and surname, address of permanent residence, correspondence address if different than the address of permanent residence, electronic address (e-mail address).

The personal data collected during the registration process shall be used for making it possible for the User to log in to the Service or its sub-sites in order to use the functionalities, access to which is preceded by the registration process, as well as for performance of the obligations of the Controller towards the User.

In case when the Service User has consented to the electronically supplied service consisting in free delivery of commercial information, the obtained e-mail address shall be added to the e-mailing list and shall be used for sending of the commercial information to the User.

In case when the Service User has registered themselves and has placed the order in the Online Shop operated by the Controller, the personal data collected in such a way shall be used for creation of the User Account and for realisation of orders.

The collected data shall be used also for determination of the User profile and shall allow for adjustment of the content of the Service and of the commercial information to their needs. The data shall be processed in compliance with the Act on Electronic Provision of Services of 18 July 2002.

The information collected in an automated way shall be used for management of the Service, determination of potential security threats, analysis of User traffic within the Service and for statistical purposes. This information shall not be linked with the personal data of the Service User and shall not be used for determination of the identity of the User. The scope of the information collected in an automated way depends on the settings of the web browser of the User. The User should check the settings of their browser in order to find out what information is provided automatically by the browser or in order to change these settings.

Provision of the personal data including names and surnames as well as electronic address (e-mail address) shall constitute the condition for the use of the electronically supplied service, presentation of commercial information and conducting of direct marketing. The User shall not be obliged to provide it; non-provision of the data shall result in lack of the possibility to use the electronically supplied service, to present commercial information and to conduct direct marketing.

Provision of the personal data including names and surname, address of permanent residence, correspondence address if different than the address of permanent residence, electronic address (e-mail address), Tax Identification Number (NIP) or Personal Identification Number (PESEL) or – if not assigned – passport number, ID card number or another identity document number shall be the condition for conclusion of the Agreement The User shall not be obliged to provide it; non-provision of the data shall result in lack of the possibility to conclude the Agreement with the User.

The recipients of the personal data of the User shall be the entities providing the IT, courier and postal services as well as accounting and legal services to the Controller.

The personal data shall not be transferred to a third state, i.e. outside the area of the European Economic Area, or to an international organisation.

The personal data shall be stored:

  • in case of the personal data processed on the basis of the consent to personal data processing – not longer than to the time of withdrawal of the consent to personal data processing and if there are some bases for determination, pursuit or defence of claims or an obligation to store the documents resulting from the applicable legal provisions – to the expiry of the period necessary for determination, pursuit or defence of claims as well as to the expiry of the period of document storage resulting from the applicable legal provisions;
  • in case of the personal data, the processing of which is necessary for performance of the agreement, the party to which is the User, or for taking of actions upon the request of the User before conclusion of the agreement – to the expiry of the period connected with conclusion and performance of the agreement as well as to the expiry of the period necessary for determination, pursuit or defence of claims as well as to the expiry of the period of document storage resulting from the applicable legal provisions;
  • in case of the personal data processed for direct marketing purposes – not longer than to the date of objecting against personal data processing.

The User shall have the right to request the Controller to have access to their personal data, to its rectification, erasure or restriction of its processing, the right to object against its processing as well as the right to data portability.

In case of the personal data processed on the basis of the consent determined in art. 6 section 1 point a) of the GDPR, the User shall have the right to withdraw their consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing performed on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal.

In case of personal data processing based on art. 6 section 1 point f) of the GDPR for direct marketing purposes, the User shall have the right to object against the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes at any time.

In the course of processing of the personal data no automated decision-making shall take place and no profiling shall be used.

The User shall have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, i.e. to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

La producción de discos y tambores de freno ROTINGER se lleva a cabo según estándares estrictos y descritos con precisión.

La alta calidad de los productos ROTINGER está confirmada por numerosos certificados.

La marca ROTINGER admite motorizaciones activas.

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